Friday, February 24, 2012

The researchers also found that those animals ...

Posted: 15 August 2010

It is best if you want to prevent infection of the bladder is an age-old idea to keep warm, wear socks and make sure the pelvic region does not get cold. When cold, the natural defense system of mucous membranes strongly decreases, which allows bacteria like E. coli from the intestine to enter the urinary tract and bladder. Women are much more likely to suffer from bladder infections than men. The reason is anatomical, as the urethra, vagina and anus are much closer to each other in the female body, making it easier for bacteria to enter the trip. Although some women are able to overcome bladder infections easily, it may cause chronic disease in other countries. Recent research conducted at the University of Washington lasix 50 mg iv in St. Louis but argues that it is not a weak immune system, resulting in these chronic infections, and overactive one. Experiments with mice that were infected specifically the most common urinary tract and bladder infections pathogens. Those mice with the most active immune system is particularly susceptible to chronic infection. Receptor TLR4 name and a group of white blood cells are reportedly to blame. According to experiments, scientists in mice who were given drugs to suppress them, and those mice that were genetically altered, did not have chronic infections. The researchers also found that those animals that are susceptible to these chronic infections are likely to develop new infections more often. Apparently, it is difficult for the body to find the perfect balance in which the immune system fights the infection, the researchers wrote in an article published in. reaction must be sufficiently strong to eliminate and destroy bacteria, but it should not harm the tissue and mucous membranes. If the immune system reacts too strong to this infection and tissue damage, it allows bacteria to travel, thus paving the way for chronic infection and new infections may increase in severity. If so, in humans as well, researchers say that there can be a simple test by which a woman can determine that it is susceptible to chronic infection. Infection rate is called IL-5 present in the raising of mice 24 hours after infection. A simple blood test for women, whether this figure is in their bodies too. Learn more about

and. Image: http://www. SXC. hu/photo/1159174,

http://commons. Wikimedia. org / wiki / File: normal basin-001. JPG, Author: RadsWiki

Posted August 15, 2010

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