Friday, February 24, 2012

Nettle "anti-inflammatory nettle demonstrates

Nettle herbs (nettle, nettle urens)

Science (11/30/2009) - Researchers have found that the exaggerated response of the immune system explain why the elderly are viral infections more easily than young people. The study bucks the common view that the decline of the immune response to blame susceptibility to viral infections .... from leaflady: Nettle "Anti-inflammatory nettle demonstrates antiinflammatory activity in experimental situations extract partially inhibited the activity of 5-lipoxygenase and shows the concentration dependent inhibition of synthesis of cyclooxygenase derived reactions (2) (Note: this is the same enzymes that aspirin inhibits) . new class of drugs (called inhibitors COX2), designed specifically for modulating enzyme cyclooxygenase is a new way in the pharmaceutical industry. Nettle (both leaves and roots) also appears to prevent the stimulation of proinflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta. Cytokines can be seen in simple terms how the immune system messengers. Although discussion of these proinflammatory cytokines and immune system balance is beyond the scope of this article, the balance of cytokines is a growing area of ​​interest in medicine. In fact, almost all immune disorders (HIV, cancer, autoimmune diseases, c), allergic conditions (such as asthma and allergies), and even obesity / insulin resistance are characterized by an imbalance in cytokine levels in the functional disorders that occur in metabolic level. In the lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, and cytokines modulate the activity of this plant, nettle literally treasure unknown potential. Anti-viral and immune balancing UDA superantiheny nettle really contains "Super lectin" called superantiheny UDA (UDA for short). For those interested, UDA apparently, N-acetylglucosamine specific lectins. Practice shows that it is super lectin may prevent a number of viruses, including those responsible for HIV infection, colds and flu. (4)

UDA also T-cell mitogen, different from the classical T-cell mitogens lectin, its ability to distinguish features of the population of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells and its ability to induce the original painting activation of T cells and products cytokines. (5) In principle, this means that unlike most things that stimulate the immune system only to be more active, super nettle lectins in apparently stimulates the immune system to be in equilibrium (6).

While human studies have not enough (and it would be highly desirable), lectin UDA super has been shown to prevent progression of experimentally induced systemic lupus erythematosus, a the drug lasix disease in mice.early stages of emphysema In the experiment UDA lectin-treated animals do not develop clinical signs of lupus are open and nephritis (kidney disease). UDA has also been shown to change the production of autoantibodies in the sex-dependent manner. (14) "

excerpt from the notes above on nettle in leaflady. Org.

Loss of height, change in posture or sudden ...

According to the 2004 U.S. Surgeon Generals report on bone health, half of all U.S. citizens over the age of 50 will fracture risk in 2020. Thats, many broken bones, for men and women. Like many other diseases, early detection and treatment is the key. PMF bone density testing center can drive fast, painless test for measuring bone mineral density by making tiny X-rays. This technology, dual energy X-ray absorbtsiometrii (DEXA), gives the physician scoring of your bones. He or she may suggest treatment, including measures to prevent further bone loss. While women in menopause are concerned about osteoporosis, the disease can affect people, people on certain medications, and any high risk factors. Men tend to have stronger bones, which explains why they are less prone to osteoporosis. However, the National Osteoporosis Foundation reports that two million American men have osteoporosis and 12 million people at risk. Men risk of developing osteoporosis earlier, if he has chronic kidney disease, lung, stomach and intestines, which changes hormone levels, or if it is unrevealed low testosterone.3 ad anabolic xtreme On average, men's testosterone levels begin to fall by 10 percent per decade from 30 years. When a person turns 50, his testosterone drops sharply. By some estimates, at least 68 percent of men over 70 have some level of testosterone deficiency. Testosterone promotes the formation of bones and therefore, when low, people often see signs of bone loss such as loss of height or fractures caused by osteoporosis. Loss of height, change in posture or sudden back pain are red flags that require attention of doctors (women too). Your risk of developing osteoporosis may be higher if you take medication for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, endocrine disorders (ie, under active thyroid gland), epilepsy or gastrointestinal diseases. Steroids, hormones, drugs and cancer drugs that reduce calcium absorption also causes concern. If you are unsure if you are taking medication can lead to bone loss, consult your doctor HMF review of prescription and non prescription drugs to determine whether to make any changes. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low calcium intake, high caffeine consumption, eating disorders and sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Heredity plays a role as well. Good bone quality is the result of two processes working in harmony: reabsorption (osteoclasts erode bone) and maintenance (osteoblasts build new bone). This constant renewal is at all healthy, living bone. Doctors treat osteoporosis, slowing or stopping the osteoclasts with agents such as estrogen, Evista, Miacalcin, Fosamax lasix prescritpion and Actonel. Forteo, on the other hand, stimulates osteoblasts to make bone more than usual. We are beginning to use these drugs in combination to get the greatest effect on bone density to increase in patients who were at risk of fractures, says Carey Manukyan, MD, an endocrinologist PMF. Bone tissue that becomes stronger when you place demands on it, that when the bearing or resistance exercise. Bearing exercise works your body from gravity. Walking, jogging, tennis, football, skiing and even climb stairs weight bearing, swimming and cycling there. Resistance training will help you to improve muscle mass and strengthen bones, lifting free weights (dumbbells) or by trainers in the fitness clubs. Of course, talk to your doctor before starting an ambitious program of exercise, especially if Youve been broken in the past. For more information, osteoporosis, visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation in the WWW. Nof. Org. Download a brochure about the PMF bone density testing center in. .

The researchers also found that those animals ...

Posted: 15 August 2010

It is best if you want to prevent infection of the bladder is an age-old idea to keep warm, wear socks and make sure the pelvic region does not get cold. When cold, the natural defense system of mucous membranes strongly decreases, which allows bacteria like E. coli from the intestine to enter the urinary tract and bladder. Women are much more likely to suffer from bladder infections than men. The reason is anatomical, as the urethra, vagina and anus are much closer to each other in the female body, making it easier for bacteria to enter the trip. Although some women are able to overcome bladder infections easily, it may cause chronic disease in other countries. Recent research conducted at the University of Washington lasix 50 mg iv in St. Louis but argues that it is not a weak immune system, resulting in these chronic infections, and overactive one. Experiments with mice that were infected specifically the most common urinary tract and bladder infections pathogens. Those mice with the most active immune system is particularly susceptible to chronic infection. Receptor TLR4 name and a group of white blood cells are reportedly to blame. According to experiments, scientists in mice who were given drugs to suppress them, and those mice that were genetically altered, did not have chronic infections. The researchers also found that those animals that are susceptible to these chronic infections are likely to develop new infections more often. Apparently, it is difficult for the body to find the perfect balance in which the immune system fights the infection, the researchers wrote in an article published in. reaction must be sufficiently strong to eliminate and destroy bacteria, but it should not harm the tissue and mucous membranes. If the immune system reacts too strong to this infection and tissue damage, it allows bacteria to travel, thus paving the way for chronic infection and new infections may increase in severity. If so, in humans as well, researchers say that there can be a simple test by which a woman can determine that it is susceptible to chronic infection. Infection rate is called IL-5 present in the raising of mice 24 hours after infection. A simple blood test for women, whether this figure is in their bodies too. Learn more about

and. Image: http://www. SXC. hu/photo/1159174,

http://commons. Wikimedia. org / wiki / File: normal basin-001. JPG, Author: RadsWiki

Posted August 15, 2010

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People with genital ulcers and history of

The immune system is the strongest and most effective self-defense mechanism of the body from all sorts of parasites. Once the immune system encounters one, it puts into play and destroys it completely. There are a number of harmful bacteria, viruses and other foreign bodies that have a high potential to cause fatal infections in humans. Our immune system produces antibodies specific for each of these microorganisms. Thus, if it were not for our immune system, we would all have been victims of some infectious or other. However, poorly functioning immune system can play havoc in the body, causing many diseases and disorders. Immune diseases and disorders are classified depending on the activity of the immune system. An overactive immune system has great potential for stimulating health hazards as the active immune system. Below is a list of disorders of the immune system, depending on the activity of the immune system. Diseases of the Immune System List: If the activity of the immune system Immune System Diseases list: an overactive immune system of allergy (food, drug, insect sting, a particular matter) >> << Other immune system disorders of immune deficiency conditions: This is the largest group of immune system diseases and disorders and includes various diseases that suppress the immune system. Often the cause of immune deficiency conditions of some chronic diseases. The immune system symptoms of immune deficiency conditions the same as the underlying disease. SCID: SCID is a disorder of the immune system that is hereditary. The cause of SCID are a number of genetic abnormalities, particularly on the X chromosome. Several types of recurrent infections are common in people suffering from SCID. In addition, they are also prone to meningitis, pneumonia, measles, chickenpox, oral candidiasis, herpes, blood diseases and other diseases of the immune system in children suffering from SCID, were evident in the first 3 months after birth. AIDS: HIV / AIDS is a serious immune deficiency and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. AIDS occurs at later stages of progression of HIV infection and the body's immune system to collapse completely. AIDS is life threatening, sexually transmitted diseases, although it can be transmitted by means of blood transfusion as well. The chances of survival in AIDS patients are negligible if the diagnosis is made at later stages. Immune system disorders, symptoms of AIDS range from cold and flu to serious as pneumonia and cancer. Allergies: Allergies can be defined as an aggravating immune response to normally harmless substances. There are many allergens such as pollen, mold spores, latex and certain foods, like peanuts or drugs such as penicillin, etc., which can cause allergies. Often there are several allergens responsible for the cause allergic reactions in humans. Although allergy symptoms are often mild by medical intervention, it is recommended to diagnose the cause of the problem. Anaphylaxis: Anaphylaxis is a serious and extreme form of allergy. In this state, allergen acts as a trigger and causes a number of physical discomfort in a person. Anaphylactic shock can lead to disaster if not diagnosed and treated in time. Asthma: asthma, chronic lung disease, is caused by inflammation of the air. Allergens that irritate or even stimulants, such as physical activity can cause inflammation and cause various inconveniences in person. Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing, wheezing, tightness in chest, etc. autoimmune diseases: autoimmune disease is a group of disorders of the immune system in which immune cells distort signals and begin to attack its own cells. Autoimmune diseases cause serious health risks to humans. >> << Long enough. Chediaka-Higashi syndrome: Chediaka-Higashi syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease that is caused by mutations in the gene lyzator. This syndrome affects all major organs and stops them functioning. It destroys the cells of the immune system and makes them ineffective against bacteria and other invaders. Thus, a person suffers from recurrent infections. Bone marrow transplantation is the most effective and successful treatment for patients with severe Chediaka-Higashi. In addition, vitamins to boost immune system can also be taken if the condition is not serious. Details of stimulants and products that enhance the immune system. Common variable immune: Total variable immunodeficiency syndrome results by reducing the number of anti-bodies in the body. This disorder occurs primarily in adults. Although it may be present at birth, symptoms do not surface until the man is in his twenties. Symptoms include bacterial infections of the ears, sinuses, bronchi and lungs. Painful swollen joints in the knee, ankle, elbow and wrist are common. Some patients may report increased lymph nodes, spleen, etc. Hay fever: Hay fever is very similar to allergies due to airborne droplets substances like pollen, mold spores and even animal hair. Symptoms include runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, etc. Hay fever is also called allergic rhinitis and affects over 35 million people in the U.S. alone. Beehives: Hives is a skin response to allergen. Allergen in this case, food or plants. Blisters develop on the skin surface as a reaction to the allergen. These blisters itch and often round or flat top. In addition to increased itching, other symptoms include rash swollen lips, tongue and face. HTLV: Human T-cell lymphotropic viruses (retroviruses), HTLV-I, HTLV-II seriously affect the immune system. They are most common among drug users and people who have multiple sex partners. People with genital ulcers and history of syphilis are also susceptible to HTLV. Transfer mode HTLV through intimate sexual contact, blood transfusion or during pregnancy. Hyper-IgE syndrome: syndrome Hyperimmunoglobulin E or Job syndrome is a group of various immune disorders. This condition is characterized by recurrent infections and staphylococcus skin rash similar to eczema. This genetic disease and inheritance can be dominant or recessive. People with dominant hyper-IgE syndrome can not lose their milk teeth, and thus two sets of teeth. Hyper-IgM-syndrome: Hyper IgM immunodeficiency is rare. In this condition the immune system is unable to generate two types of antibodies, IgA and IgG. The cause of this disease is a defective gene in T cells. Due to this defect, B cells do not receive the signal to produce IgA and IgG, anti-body, and thus continues to produce antibodies IgM. Primary Immunodeficiency: Primary immunodeficiency diseases are a group of diseases of the immune system due to genetic abnormalities. In this case, people are born with defective immune systems. Symptoms and effects are the same as in AIDS, but unlike AIDS, the cause is not purchased. Selective deficiency of IgA: This special immunodeficiency in which the immune system is unable to generate antibodies type IgA. These antibodies protect the body against infections of the mucous membranes lining the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Obviously, in their absence, the body is exposed to multiple infections of the mucous membrane. Skin allergies: skin allergies similar to any other allergies, immune response is expressed only through the skin. Allergies again aggravated the immune response to certain harmless substances. Allergies are characterized by red, itchy skin, which damage and blisters develop. X-chromosome ahammahlobulinemiya: X-Linked ahammahlobulinemiya is a genetic lasix online no prescription disease in which the body's ability to fight infections is difficult. The immune system does not produce enough antibodies to fight infections. Naturally, the body becomes a victim of multiple infections. Above the list of diseases of the immune system is the major immune disorders to attention. In addition to the above violations, there are several genetic and acquired immunodeficiency diseases that affect millions of people worldwide. Since the immune system protects us against various infections and diseases, special efforts should be made to strengthen it. .

Recent reports of lvrs showed improved fev1

LVRS is intended primarily for those patients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), mainly emphysema. Emphysema is characterized by abnormal anatomically, permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of airspace walls and without obvious fibrosis. The loss of lung architecture resulting in a compressible peripheral airways, closing at above normal lung volume (early closure of the airways). Increased compliance and capture the air of an early closure leads to hyperinflation of the lungs, chest wall tensile, flat, rejected by the diaphragm and ventilation-perfusion mismatch. In 1950 and 1960, Dr. Otto Brantigan suggested that surgical removal of several wedges easily lead to a reduction in lung volume, thus restoring the external elastic attraction in small airways and reduce airway obstruction. Dr. Brantigan reported that surgical excision of lung tissue leads to significant clinical improvement in some cases, but mortality was high. With little objective data and high mortality, the procedure is not widely known. Experience diaphragmatic function and chest can be recovered in emphysema transplantation renewed interest in the work of Dr.treatments for emphysema Brantigan in. Improvement of surgical techniques have opened the possibility of surgical excision of lung tissue. Recent reports of LVRS showed improved FEV1, FZHYEL, TLC, RV and dyspnea and quality of life assessments. These reports caused great excitement among patients and their physicians. Many centers around the country began to speak LVRS resulting in hundreds of patients who underwent the procedure, despite the preliminary results, the absence of strict selection criteria of patients and lack of information about long-term results. Key questions remain as to the patient should have surgery, which protocol should be respected, that physiological tests should be obtained, and that in the long term efficiency of vehicles on morbidity, mortality and quality of life. Mechanisms of benefit and the consequences of heart is unknown. The concept originated in the court NHLBI workshop on evaluation and research in surgical lung volume reduction. This initiative was reviewed and approved in May 1996 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council. A request for proposals issued in June 1996. In the study, 1218 patients' rights were randomized to receive drug therapy or (610) or medical therapy with LVRS (608). LVRS was performed medium sternotomy or video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VAT). Centers randomized patients or) medical therapy compared with drug therapy with LVRS by median sternotomy, b) medical therapy compared with drug therapy with LVRS by VATS, or c) medical therapy compared with drug therapy with LVRS by median sternotomy versus drug therapy LVRS with bilateral VATS. Drug therapy included pulmonary rehabilitation and education. Direct comparison of two surgical methods were possible only in centers that performed both methods. All weapons included intensive pulmonary rehabilitation. Primary endpoints were survival and functional improvement at maximum load rating. Secondary end points included morbidity, improving lung function, quality of life lasix drug dose and efficiency of daily activities. The following examinations, including history, physical examination, pulmonary function tests, exercise testing and quality of life is estimated to have occurred after the preoperative rehabilitation and six and twelve months after surgery and every twelve months. Recruitment, which ended July 31, 2002 and later ended in December 2002. .

Laboratory values ​​of serum calcium, phosphorus ...

Definition and contrast osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Both osteoporosis and osteomalacia can lead to a decrease in bone strength. In osteoporosis, the bone mass decreases with the normal treatment of the mineral matrix. In osteomalacia, mineral matrix ratio decreases. Osteoporosis reduces bone mass, with normal treatment of bone matrix in addition to altered microarchitecture of bone tissue. Osteoporosis

phrase "normal enough bones, but not enough!"

Clinical manifestations of osteoporosis include fractures from minimal trauma, especially in the thoracic and lumbar spine, wrist and hip. Thoracic vertebral compression fractures can lead to spinal kyphosis (widow's hump). Plain X-rays show decreased bone density, but only once, at least 30% bone loss. Dual energy x-ray absorptimoetry (DEXA) is a diagnostic test for the treatment of osteoporosis, according to bone density in terms of evaluation of T, representing the deviation from the average normal person). DEXA 2. 5 diagnosis of osteoporosis. Laboratory values ​​of serum calcium phosphates, phosphorus and alakaline lasix drug dose is not diagnostic. Osteomalacia is characterized by the decrease of bone in the matrix. (Osteomalacia when it appears in children is called rickets "). Histologic study of non-mineralized osteoida looks like a thickened layer matrix.10 facts about the immune system The disease is characterized by symptoms of diffuse pain in the bones, pain and muscle weakness. X-rays usually show decreased bone density thinning of the cerebral cortex. Advanced disease may lead to the concavity of the vertebral bodies (cod vertebrae) and curved legs. In addition, cracks (so called loser in zones) may seem. These incomplete fractures filled with non-mineralized osteoida seams. Laboratory results may show low serum and urine calcium and high serum alkaline phosphate. / ** /.

Beim j, hoofstein v.

From Breast, 06/01/99

Shindzhi Teramoto

In a recent issue of Chest (November 1998), Judson and strange [1] discussed rationally, that sarcoidosis caused bullous emphysema in three cases pulmonary sarcoid. Although bullae may occur in patients with healthy lungs, most bullae develop in smokers with emphysema tsentrodolevaya. Thus, smoking is the most risk factor in the development of bullous emphysema. However, the mechanism and causes of bullous emphysema have not fully understood. Thus, the current comprehensive report is important. Giant bullae may occur in patients with sarcoidosis and late stages of disease, and it seems bullosa emphysema or disappearance of symptoms. [2-5] Despite the increased frequency of emphysema with age and found most often in patients in the seventh decade, bullous emphysema occurs mainly in young patients. In addition, surgery, including flap to reduce the volume, especially useful for those who bullous emphysema and sarcoid bullosa. [5-8] Sarcoidosis should be carefully considered in the differential diagnosis of bullous emphysema of the lungs in young patients with chronic airflow limitation (CAL), in addition to other genetic diseases, including [[Alpha]. sub. 1]-antitrypsin disease, Fabry disease, Sally, kutis laxa and Elersa-Danlosa. [5] There is no doubt that sarcoidosis is a cause of bullous emphysema of the lungs in young patients with CAL, but the pathogenesis of large blisters in patients with sarcoidosis remains to be determined. Interestingly, bullous emphysema can be found in dogs, cats and puppies. Hoover and his colleagues [9] suggested that congenital weakness of the bronchial cartilage and lung torsion might be involved in the development of bullous emphysema in a baby. This may, in particular, supports the hypothesis of the authors that endobronhialnoy sarcoidosis lesions of the bronchi and bronchioles causes remodeling bronchial tree and respiratory tract. Further investigation and reports to clarify pathology and etiology of sarcoid bullosa. Mailing address: Shindzhi Teramoto, MD, FCCP Department of geriatric medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital, 7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku Hong, Tokyo, Japan 113-8655

[1] MA Judson, surprisingly S. Bullous sarcoidosis: report of three cases. Chest 1998, 114:1474-1478

[2] A. Miller disappearance lung syndrome associated with pulmonary sarcoidosis. Br J Dis Chest 1981, 75:209-214

[3] Beim J, Hoofstein V. Aggressive cavitary pulmonary sarcoid. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991; 143:428-430

[4] Rokoff SD, Rohathi PC. Unusual manifestations of thoracic sarcoid. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1985; 144:513-528

[5] Teramoto S, Y.hives immune system Fukuchi bullous emphysema. Curr opino PULM Med 1996;

2:90-96 [6] Teramoto S, Y Fukuchi, nahasa T, et al. Quantitative assessment of dyspnea before andafter bullectomy for giant bullae. Chest 1992; 102:1362-1366

[7] Pan CM, DM Cosgrove, Eng P, et al. Bullectomies for bullosa sarcoid. Cleve Clin J Med 1993; 60:157-160

[8] Keller CA, Naunheim KS, Osterlo J, et al. Histological diagnosis in lung tissue resection in patients with severe emphysema are the reduction of transaction. Chest 1997; 111:941-947

[9] Hoover JP, Henry G., Panciera RJ. Bronchial cartilage dysplasia with multifocal partial bullosa emphysema lasix furosemide and torsion in the puppy. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1992; 201:599-602

If the arrows represent chemical reactions, letter ad

If the

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vitamins to build your immune system
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p. B is the substrate for the second chemical reaction

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